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Eta - A powerful language for building scalable systems on the JVM

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Eta is a pure, lazy, strongly typed functional programming language on the JVM. It is a dialect of Haskell on the JVM. It is pure by default which means that calling a function with the same arguments will yield the same results every time. It is lazy by default which means that data stays in unevaluated state until a function needs to peek inside.

A strong type system gives you the power to tell the compiler more information about your code. Eta uses type inference so that it can understand your intent even if you don't explicity specify the types of your expressions

Eta runs on the JVM and it is designed to be compatable with Java. This means that you can reuse Java libraries in Eta projects and use Eta modules in Java. Eta's immutability makes concurrency a pleasure to work with. Eta offers a wide range of strategies for handling concurrency including the Par monad for fine-grained parallelism and Software Transactional Memory for reusable concurrent programming without locks.